
If you were unable to be part of this month's Planter Session, click here to get into 'Understanding The Migrant Mindset' with Peter Ko. Make sure you have pen and paper, or some new-

fangled gagdet which takes notes. Peter's latest Planter Session is a goldmine of wisdom and practical hints about the steps involved with ensuring your ministry relates to the unique needs of sub-cultures.

Migrant Mindset Profile

As you will discover while devouring our latest Planter Session, Peter is a Sydney pastor with significant experience in the area of ethnic ministries. He founded RICE Regenerate and, since 2009, is one of the planting pastors with South-West Chinese Christian Church. Preparing for a church plant in early 2015, in the Bankstown area, Peter and his launch team prepared ethnographic research, to assist their being able to best love those within the surrounding community. To get into 'the Migrant Mindset', they engaged in a profiling process which other church-planters should consider.

Helpfully, Peter has provided a template for putting together a 'Migrant Mindset Profile'. Click here to access the 'Migrant Mindset Profile'. 

Want to know why you should use the Profile? Peter's summary about how it works, will be enough to convince you.

'The ethnographic research included neighbourhood walking and prayer tours; talking to police officers and other community leaders; and conversing with residents. We tried not only to identify and analyse what we observed or discovered, but more importantly, to identify the narratives that lie underneath these ‘symptoms’. We then tried to consider these narratives and symptoms from the standpoint of ‘idolatry’, in order that we might see what obstacles to evangelism and church growth might come as a result. Our belief that the gospel is the answer to the idols underlying all of our narratives and symptoms undergirds the ‘solution’ (final column) of our analyses. Our hope is that a study like this will enable us to better preach the gospel to residents of Bankstown.'

Our hope is the 'Migrant Mindset Profile' will enable you all to better preach the gospel to your community.

Click here to access the 'Migrant Mindset Profile'.

Click her to access the 'Understanding The Migrant Mindset' Planter Session, with Peter Ko.

– Ed.