1. I don't want to make a hard and fast rule about how 1Tim 2/1Cor 14 might apply to MCing a church meeting. But I personally lean towards recognising that MCing is a significant role of authority in the life of the gathered church. Dave Moore's prinicple is definitely in line with this.
  2. Challies has been doing a big series on productivity. Lots of great advice here and lots of links to great tools. He mega-programs his life with a million apps in a way that I find a bit bewildering, but you might like the idea? Enjoy! 
  3. Body image is not just a problem that women struggle with. Here's an article speaking to men who struggle with body image issues.
  4. Best practices for role clarity in organisations – free download.
  5. This Briefing article on the theology of work, provides some good clarity on the underlying issues related to secular work vs full-time ministry: “For some of us, the gospel will cause such a significant disruption to our priorities in life that we leave the secular workforce and go into full-time financially-supported gospel ministry. But that final choice, in and of itself, is actually the small question. The big question is about us and the Lord Jesus Christ, and whether we are seeking his kingdom first in all things, including our work.”
  6. An article on Brian Ritchie, from the Violent Femmes, living and working in Tasmania, and why you don't have to live in Sydney 🙂