– The bread and butter of our ministry must be disciple making. For every book on church growth, read something on discipleship. Ppl will pick up on what your church is about quickly. Make it about the word in ppl's lives.- The leader of a church plays three critical roles: the vision sette

r, the analyser, the implementer. They're hard to have all in one person.- Need a robust circle of critics and helpers. Open yourself up to criticisms and analysis. The kingdom is too important for us to stand in its way.- Do get some How To books, GTD, 7 Habits, Lencioni.- Growth is largely about building the ability to multiply 'building capacity'. Find 'vision multipliers'. Disciplship drives vision multiplication.- You need to learn how to delegate. Not just give a job and blame them for outcome. Delegation isn't just 'Here's the job' and leave = abdication.- There's levels of delegation.1 research options and come back2 research and bring reecommendation3 research, set up and wait for my go ahead…..- Only give high level to those who can do it well.- Need to be firm with ppl who won't do what you want. You can't trust them to delegate to.