The media just called my church! In the words of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't panic!"

What do you do when the media rings your church? For some pastors, it’s their greatest nightmare – but does it have to be? Derek Hanna and Scott Sanders talk to media analyst and former journalist Mark Hadley on getting the best from the modern media.

Mark Hadley has spent three decades working in the media – locally, nationally and internationally. He has advised Christian organisations from the Diocesan level down to the local church on how how to get the most from their interactions with news organisations. It all begins with staying calm, and sounding reasonable…


Get familiar with your local media. You can find your local newspaper and their contact details in the ‘Town Search’ section of, and those for your local commercial radio station at Commercial Radio Australia. But you’ll probably get more air time out of your local community radio station, so check out The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia.

Make a friend out of a local journalist to bounce ideas and problems off. Start by looking in your church.

Contact Geneva Push and use their Media Support service via [email protected].