We wanted to see how we were doing in achieving this goal of reaching the lost, celebrate what God had done in that, and look for ways to keep seeing – under God – more people come to know Jesus. Here’s what we found. 

Key to Geneva Push from the start, and a key driver behind Reach Australia, is following God’s heart to see people come to know Jesus.  For Geneva Push it’s been seeing “hundreds of churches evangelised into existence”, which fits within our vision for Reach Australia to see thousands of healthy, evangelistic, multiplying churches across Australia.  So as we looked at churches across the network, we wanted to see how we were doing in achieving this goal of reaching the lost, celebrate what God had done in that, and look for ways to keep seeing – under God – more people come to know Jesus.  Here’s what we found.


Network Learnings Webpage

Church Planting Australia

Reach Australia conference