There’s a natural lifespan to every human endeavour, and all things come to an end, especially in ministry. How do you prevent yourself so identifying with a ministry that it’s impossible to move on?

There’s a natural lifespan to every human endeavour, and all things come to an end, especially in ministry. How do you prevent yourself so identifying with a ministry that it’s impossible to move on?

Derek and Scott talk about identifying ministries that have become more about you than God, gauging when something has run its course, and how to successfully bring it to an end in a way that honours God and preserves you for future work.


Read through a systematic theology, like:

Miner Raymond’s Systematic Theology (3 vols.)

Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, by Wayne Grudem

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof

One Forever, by Rory Shiner

Church Leadership and Succession, by Tod Atkins from Lifeway Leadership

The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure, by Astro Teller