1. The theological rationale for doing good in a fallen world in the last days: love everybody because of the image of God, show mercy because of our experience of redemption, stay hopeful because of restoration, work hard because of justification – and always remember the people.
  2. Does nature even exist? A discussion about different models for thinking about environmentalism.
  3. Looking for some fresh congregational tunes? Check out Scott Robinson (WA).
  4. Seven reasons churches are busy: failing to ask 'why' when starting a new ministry, no process for eliminating ministries, some ministries are started just to please people, some ministries have become sacred cows, ministries operate in a silo, sometimes new ministries are started to unleash more and more people for ministry, no process for evaluating ministries.
  5. Lots of pop-sociology and sociological theology, ethics and other grumpy rants from Phillip Jensens 2008 KYLC sermons: