I have been doing an excellent free Open Learning Course by Monash University professor in French studies Christopher Watkin on the topic “Postmodernism and the Bible: Understanding Derrida and Foucault“. Great to have this kind of Christian academic thinking happening in Australia!

Here are a string of half-thoughts that I've tweeted out as I've gone through the course material:

  1. People with complex & impenetrable theological theories say “You haven't  understood me properly.” This seems like a kind of gaslighting: They say one thing, then deny they meant it and call you foolish…. until eventually you doubt your own mind and submit to them.
  2. Pondering the irony of how structuralism/post-structuralism removed confidence in language… but boosted confidence in knowing motives/fantasies of speakers.
  3. Derrida asserts that a philosophy of ‘différance’ is not a ‘negative theology’. I’m not convinced. Seems like it to me.
  4. A Christian philosopher's summary of Derrida's ethics. He doesn't say 'It's all relative'
  5. From my lecturer: the ethics of Derrida & Levinas is seeking how a philosophy without God can make sure the Holocaust can never happen again.
  6. The irony of postmodern politics: You accept that hidden power structures shape society beyond conscious human intention… so then you try to police those hidden power structures with conscious human intention.