A few things Christian leaders can take away from the political/media discussions around sexual abuse in various social institutions:

  1. Assume your ministry’s default response to abuse allegations will likely be inadequate. Resolve to be careful and critical when you have to deal with them.
  2. Understand that different members of the church will see and understand different things. How are you going to open doors substantial input from those outside your leadership team?
  3. Realise how deceitful evil is: it can distort true things and find loopholes and excuses. Keep working on your teaching, sermon application, pastoral counsel and policy writing to not give the devil a foothold.
  4. Beware of how easy it is to fudge things to avoid blame, or say things on a way that implies a victim is somehow to blame.
  5. What biblical applications/warnings could be added to your preaching, youth group teaching, marriage prep, leadership training?