Thanks SO much to Manager Tools for giving a great framework for reference checking potential employees.
They recommend doing it only once you’re on the brink of offering the person the job. Both to save your time calling lots of references, and also the referee is more likely to talk if they don’t feel like they are prejudicing the person’s chances. It also helps you make up your own mind about someone first.
Then their suggested questions go something like:
“Hi, we are about to offer x a job with our ministry and are now conducting reference checks. They put you down as a referee. Are you happy to answer a few brief questions?”
- Can you confirm their dates of employment? (wait for them to give an answer, don’t read out what you have on the CV)
- Can you confirm their job title ? (wait for them to give an answer, don’t read out what you have on the CV)
Can you comment on the accuracy of this job description they provided me with?
They told me about project x — can you confirm their involvement? What was the outcome of this project?
What was their best contribution while working with you?
What areas for improvement did they have?
[I’ve added for Christian references] Do you have any areas of theological concern or lack of clarity?
[I’ve added for Christian references] Do you have any questions of moral concern?
We are considering them for x role. How would you assess their suitability?
Would you have any concerns about employing them again, if you had the opportunity?